BCS Offices

October 15, 2009

Mutual Death Aid Services

18-64 years old and is physically healthy
Pay P 200.00 yearly
Compulsory for regular members only
All new members should undergo a 1 year contestability effective October 24, 2005
5 years in membership, the family will receive P 30, 000.00
However, if members failed to pay their obligation every year, their beneficiary cannot claim.
  1. Mutual Death Aid Service for Regular Members
  2. Mutual Death Aid Service for SCWE Members
  3. Accident Assurance for SCWE Members
  4. Mutual Death Aid for SCWE Member's benefeciary

The Power of Women

Who says that woman cannot survive without a man?

Not anymore for BCS SCWE women... Women got it all from SCWE.

The guts...

The knowledge...

The strength...

And the Power...

These women undergo training on how to handle their money and establish their own livelihood.

See now the difference.

Go girls!

October 14, 2009

Requirements for Loan

  1. 2x2 ID Picture
  2. CEDULA (Borrower, spouse and co-maker)
  3. Barangay Clearance
  4. Tax Identification Number
  5. Electric and Water Bill
  6. Xerox copy of pay slip/payroll (for employees)
  7. Co-Maker (individual member with loan and not delinquent in his/her loa payments)
  8. Collateral could be (1.) Real Estate Collateral: Residential Land (Tax Declaration, Land Title, Certificate of Non-Delinquency) and Agri-Land ( Tax Declaration, Certificate of Non-Delinquency, Certificate of Non-Tenancy, DAR Clearance (2.) Appliances:Certificate of Ownership (Recency of 2 years) or (3.) Vehicles/Chattel: Official Receipt and Certificate of Registration (Vehicle)

Process immediately the requirements for immediate processing of your loans. A member should avail regular loan first before he or she can avail the emergency loan.